# Bifrost
> Connecting ports across the nine realms
[ngrok](https://ngrok.com/) is a great tool for exposing local services to the world with the magic of reverse proxies:
> Spend more time programming. One command for an instant, secure URL to your localhost server through any NAT or firewall.
However, using `ngrok` with a custom domain is a paid feature, and there are usage limits on the free tier.
Enter `bifrost`!
The repo provides terraform scripts for setting up a free `f1-micro` instance on Google Cloud Platform, as well as Ansible to set up the required nginx configuration.
Once configured, the server acts as a personal `ngrok` clone with a custom domain.
Simply running `./bifrost http hello` exposes a local webserver running on port 3000 to the world at `hello.bifrost.kylesferrazza.com` with the default domain configuration.
The terraform scripts even provision a wildcard TLS certificate for the `bifrost` subdomain, allowing nginx to serve valid TLS configurations for all of the proxied sites.